Life Purpose

It is said that we have a purpose in life. It's the reason for our existence.

We're called for that purpose. Once we know it, it becomes our mission. And we fulfill our mission until our time here on Earth is finished.

This can go beyond what we usually do. We may play a role in it. But it can motivate us to be alive every single day.

And here are things I've learned so far on how we can live a significant and meaningful life.

1. Always have a burden.
We live in this world where a lot of things happen, and the only constant thing is change. And the only thing we can get by these changes is learning from them. We should keep in mind that learning happens every day, and it occurs everywhere we go.

To get the heart of a learner, we should be passionate, persistent, patient, persevering, and to be in pain. And once we learn the art of learning, it's time to find the things we are passionate about. Once we discover them and recognize them, we are to give our best with them. We now learn to be burdened for a cause.

2. Know your vision.
Once we know what it means to burden, we always have this drive to make things better. This is where we vision. We see how we want it to be fulfilled. And this vision we have always involved in our imagination.

It's interesting to know that the things we see right now are a product of Our Creator's imagination. Even we are a product of it. We're given the ability to imagine. Why not use it to create something that can make an impact on our surroundings? Who knows, it can also make an impact for a lifetime.

3. Get rid of hindrances in fulfilling your purpose.  
These are the things that suck the life out of us. When we continue to dwell in it, we don't prosper in anything. This is in contrast to the kind of life we're meant to live.

If we really want to destroy these hindrances, we should realize them and take responsibility for them. We shouldn't go back there again. We need to commit ourselves that we can live the life we're meant to live.

4. Be faithful to complete your purpose.
Once we throw off everything that hinders us, it's time to fulfill our purpose until it has been accomplished. And we do this with endurance.

This isn't easy as it involves pain, hardships, and all other things we need to bear. But we should remember to motivate ourselves with the end in mind. And to reach ourselves with this end, we should have the strength to continue lasting. Once we do so, we will be rewarded.

Seeing these makes me think of David Livingstone and his missionary work in Africa. With the trials, hardships, and loneliness of his exiled life, what sustained him was a promise that says, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world".

And with the life that he lived, he had a life motto: "I will place no value on anything I have or possess, except in its relationship to the kingdom of God."

Like him, we can have a life lived for something. We can be assured that no matter what obstacles we go through, there's always the strength to fulfill our purpose all the way to the end. So it's now time to go for that life we're meant to live.
