Spiritual Build-Up

We know we need to take care of our well-being. And it involves a lot of aspects: physically, mentally, emotionally, socially.

As Christians, we consider the spiritual aspect. So how do we make ourselves spiritually fit? How do we keep our spirits up for God every day?

I've learned a few ways to do so, and here are these:

1. Perspective
Our perspectives are influenced by narratives. How we understand these stories will shape who we are.

When it comes to things in the Bible, what do we understand of them? Are we rightly aligned with them? It's better if we do so. We need to ensure that we're attuned to what He means in His Word.

2. Practice
How do we exercise our spiritual muscles? There are many ways:
 * our response to different situations
 * prayer
 * sleep
 * meditation
 * awareness of creation
 * counting God's blessings
 * praying Psalm 23
 * Lectio Divina

Do we show Jesus in our daily living? Do we make prayer a part of our day? Do we make time to reflect on His message to us? Do we take time to praise Him through His creations? Do we thank Him for His blessings every day? I hope we still do.

I find sleep interesting. We don't usually value this, but we need to take this every single day. This shows an act of surrender. We give God everything, and He'll work on them. This allows us to take rest.

Psalm 23 is a familiar passage to us. But what if we take it as part of our prayer? What if we put ourselves in each verse? I'm sure we can see how He works in our lives in any circumstance.

Lectio Divina is a Latin term that means divine reading. In doing this, we gradually let go of our own agenda and open ourselves to what God wants to say to us. Here, we read His Word, reflect on it, respond based on our reflection, and rest on His Word.

3. Participating In Community
The spiritual journey isn't meant to be taken alone. This is why the church is present. It's a community where we can encourage one another, strengthen one another, and learn from one another.

Proverbs 27:17 says,  "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” When two iron blades are rubbed together, the edges become sharper. This makes the knives more efficient in cutting and slicing. Let's be like them as we sharpen one another.

4. Presence of the Holy Spirit
He lives in our hearts forever, and that's very important to us. He seals us with our eternal state as children. He is our Helper, Comforter, and Guide. He gives us our spiritual gifts. He produces fruit in our lives.

Therefore, we should allow ourselves to be filled with Him every day. As we walk in Him, we can be strengthened. Our faith will grow in Him.
