Brave Heart

What makes a person with strength? The trials surpassed? The tests passed? The battles won? I believe it's all that. But more than these comes the heart that's changed and transformed.

Those who made it this far are taking the lead on how life's to be lived and fought. They become sources of strength to those looking up to them.

I think of the courage, the fearlessness, the strength they take when they're down, the drive to reach to their desired life destiny, and the conqueror spirit they have within.

I also think of how life needs us to win. And we do have that capacity. So it's possible for us to be great life achievers. Put away all the discouragement. Set the perspectives right. And you can create that ability in which you can find and draw your own strength.

So if we need to have a brave heart to win in life, what does it mean to be one? How are we going to do it? Here's what I've learned so far:

1. He builds himself up consistently.
He accepts whatever life throws at him. He may have a hard time, but he knows he can get through. He can go from strength to strength, knowing he can face anything that lies ahead.

He gives himself time to rest. He ensures to keep himself fit at all times. With this, he keeps himself ready to face anything that comes his way.

2. He guards his thoughts well.
He knows how to handle all the positive and negative thoughts around him. He chooses those that are true and dismisses the rest.

He goes for an optimistic mindset. He feeds his mind with the things that can make him grow. He seeks peace and strength in everything he does. He keeps things in perspective and stands firmly to what he thinks is best.

3. He has a humble heart.
He knows how to admit his mistakes. He learns to forgive. He doesn't judge others quickly. He doesn't compare himself to them.

He works for a cause, not for applause. He doesn't live life to impress. He seeks a life of honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage.

4. He has a fighting spirit.
His spirit is like grass. People step on it, but it never gets hurt. It also doesn't hurt back. When the fiercest storms and the strongest winds come, it can withstand them.

He faces any giant and fights it, even if he feels small and helpless. Fear may overpower him, but he finds strength when he sees the other side of the land to be worthwhile. Therefore, he goes on. He lives a life of risk, not regretting anything. And he never quits at anything.

If I can summarize all of these into one point, it's that he knows how to be great and little.

I think of heroes whose stories are continued to be told through time. It was their strength that marked and inspired others to be their own main character. And it makes me think: What if our life was destined to create a story that can inspire people of all time?

What if we're destined to be victors? Isn't this the reason why we need to win in life? All I know is this. We can't give up at anything.

How would we be when we choose to live life strongly? Wouldn't we be learning to live fully? I'm sure it will be.

I have my own giants I need to overcome. I know the prize I'm targeting. But I know I need to keep my eyes on it. If there's one thing I don't want to regret in life, it's that I didn't make it count. Therefore, I take a full heart with anything that's in my way.
