Within Silence

Control the noise
Don't take it too much
Deal with it rightly

Inside out quietness
From the mind and the heart
A great need

All fear, anxiety
Depression, loneliness. and anger
Should be let out

Courage, strength, resilience
Should be let in

Be optimistic
Show a great radiance to all
Be thankful always

It's where peace comes
A peaceful heart
It brings contentment and purpose
It's what matters most

In a time when silence is not valued, it's a great need for us to take a step back. Be in solitude. Take time to see how much you had become this far. After much reflection, do what you need to do. Change when needed. Keep up whatever good work you have. 

Learn to slow down and be still. It can help you, your relationship with others, and your outlook on life. You can take rest when needed. You can gain wisdom. You can get self-discipline. Take silence rightly in a situation. And when you have that peace, you can be ready to face anything.
