Legend: Act

It's for this time only.
It's that one chance for a lifetime.
It's treasuring that moment, for it may never come again.

It cannot be replicated.
Are we seizing it to make something great out of that encounter?

There's no escape from dealing with the negativity around us.
But how do we manage it?
Do we let it control us, even in the automatic ones? Too much of it can be contagious and deadly.
Or do we concentrate on those that give us joy, peace, and confident hope?
They bring us true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable thoughts.

Is it worth the effort to compare, complain, and criticize?
Is it worth choosing to cancel, control, and command others? Or even committing casualties against them?
Do we still seek to find love, peace, and understanding, even if the difficult situation needs us to?

As far as life goes, only the good will last.
Pursue to eliminate negativity no matter what happens, whatever it takes.

Guard the mind at all costs, for it determines life's course.
What we consume, we become.
With the noises we hear every day, always listen and believe the truthful voice.

Be grateful for what life gives us, even in challenging situations.
Either take things for granted or take them with gratitude.
Life can teach us so many things, in that the hard ones can be the best ones we'll ever need for us to be better.

Keep the optimism going.
Have the resiliency and curiosity to overcome what you're going through.
Build that muscle. Make that a continuum.

The best people we know are those who have known defeat, suffering, struggle, and loss. They've found their way out of the depths. And from there, they have an appreciation, sensitivity, and understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and deep, loving concern.

In the darkness come hidden treasures, secret riches. Find them.
You can speak the truth of what you're going through, but do it in love.
Be willing to let go. Move forward. Be instructed in the path ahead. Flow. Dare to enlarge with what you can do.

Someday, your story will be filled with remarkable acts you can do. And in all you do, you'll be a legend in your own right.
Tread on the journey set before you, and make that act that can make you legendary.
