Life Master

I hope that you can still see life as worth living
Despite what you going through, life is still worth living.
Everything that happens to you is really a part of life.
There are things we can change, and things we can't. It is how it is.

I hope that you will be open to all that you're experiencing.
Some things really don't make sense in this broken reality. But what would you do as a human yourself?

Can you see life as a never-ending pursuit of bringing goodness into the world and fighting for it?
It can be cruel, but it's worth the fight when we know where everything in this life will point to after.

In everything you do, may you respect others and see them for who they are.
May you give them room to make mistakes and not be perfect.
May you appreciate them for who they are - the good, the bad, and the ugly - not for what they give back.

May you accurately assess your own limits, strengths, and weaknesses, and be able to freely discuss them with others.
May you be deeply in tune with your emotional world, and be able to enter into the feelings, needs, and concerns of others without losing yourself.

May you recognize, manage, and take responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings.
May you be able to ask for what you need, want, or prefer - clearly, directly, honestly.
May you be able to share your beliefs and values without being adversarial.
May you have the capacity to resolve conflict maturely and negotiate solutions that consider the perspectives of others.

It may sound simple. But this is how we show that we know what life can bring us, and we can handle them well.
It's difficult, yes. It's undeserving to them. But they're flawed, too. We're no different than them. There's still good that reigns in them despite their shortcomings. We're luckiest when they choose to maximize that no matter what happens.

All you can do is to continue the good no matter how tiring. Soon enough, you reap the harvest.

And when you do, it shows that you know how life works. You know how life must go on with them. You have become a life master.

When you feel anxious, look up.
When you need to check yourself, look within.
When you need to see the world, look around you and go out.
Look out and reach out.

There's a lot in life to navigate to. And soon, you'll master them all.
