Mind View

We streamline our thinking as we know how to quickly make sense of the world.
You may be aware of it or not.

But sometimes, it can go too far.
Some thoughts can lead us to do things that lead us to unfairly treat others or to make the worst decisions.

What are these kinds of thoughts?

We can rely too heavily on the first pieces of information and make other judgments for the rest without checking further.
We look for ways to justify our beliefs and dismiss information that conflicts with them.
When our beliefs are challenged, we tend to believe even more strongly despite disconfirming evidence.
We see the past as better than it was and expect the future to be worse than is likely.
When something costs us much, it hurts to let it go, and we cling more to it.

The less you know about something, the more confident you'll be.
We tend to accept certain information as applicable to ourselves when in reality is generic and for everyone.
We allow ourselves to be unduly influenced by the way information is presented. This means we can be manipulated.
We unfairly favor those who belong to our group.
We judge others on their character, but ourselves on the situation accurately.

We believe in taking something that works even though it doesn't.
When we like or hate someone, that feeling influences our other judgments of them.
We presume someone else will do the work in an emergency situation instead of us.
We judge something based on what springs first to mind.
If a conclusion supports our beliefs, though contrasting, we'll rationalize anything that supports them.

We reach a consensus without evaluating the consequences or alternatives.
We overestimate the likelihood of positive things without making rational judgments.
We choose to do the opposite of what someone is trying to make us do without being objective.
Once we understand something, we presume that everyone should do as well.
When we experience success, it's easy to say we deserve them while blaming circumstances when things don't go our way.

We allow negative things to disproportionately influence us.
Even if something good happens, we are too negative about it. We're pessimistic.
We overestimate how much people notice how we look and act.

These are some out of a lot of them.
Several factors influence these thoughts - background, personal experiences, societal stereotypes, and cultural context.

We can't totally remove them. We have it to some degree. But we can reduce them.
It's about mindfulness. And when we have this, we can be a step better in approaching life as it should be.
