First Engage

When we engage, we become involved in something. And we involve something in working contact.

And when it comes to engaging, there's nothing more in doing so with God. Nothing can be more satisfying than engaging in His presence.

When a person receives Christ as his Savior, he experiences the peace, freedom, and happiness that can be felt at the moment. He then has that desire to be with God and follow Him all the days of his life. He now wants to seek God and dwell in His presence every day. And most importantly, He wants God to become central in everything he does. That's the delight of First Love for Him.

Knowing this, we should be careful to not leave our First Love. If we're not aware of it, our love for Him might start growing cold.

Here are some indicators of this condition:
* We delight in someone else more than the Lord.
* We make excuses for doing things that don't honor Him. We claim to be only human for doing that.
* We don't love others as we would do for the Lord.
* We're complacent towards the sinful conditions around us.

We don't want that to happen to us. If ever we have any of these things, it's time for us to return to our first love. He waits for you with open arms.

First, we need to remember that first love we had for Him and recognize the changes that have developed in our relationship with God since then.
We should check if our need for Him is stronger or weaker. We should also check if we have become less passionate about spiritual things than we once were.

Then, we should repent of our indifference towards God.
When we repent, it involves a change of mind, heart, and direction. We should forsake all thoughts, attitudes, and actions that have drawn our attention away from our wholehearted love for God.

After that, we should receive God's forgiveness and renew our commitment to bring back that passion.
This is getting our priorities back and doing the most important things that deepen our intimate relationship with God, like prayer, Bible study, worship, and service to others.

Once we have rekindled our first love for Him, we can feel how much we have missed Him for so long. I'm sure that when we experience Him fully again, it's going to be the sweetest thing we can imagine.

This is the beauty of falling in love with Him every day. We get to seek more of His love that abounds in us. So this is why we get to engage in our First Love.
