Inner Wonder

The joy of a child
Playfulness and youthful dreams
Being light and carefree
The early years of heart scream.

One we always go back to
For all the happy memories
Neglect, trauma, and pain
Can cloud all these

We bury and hide them.
To protect ourselves
They are fully attached.
In child and present self

It can surface now.
If it’s still wounded
Distress and difficulty
Love, to be gifted

Find the child in you.
Live and nurture it.
Take all happenings into the light.
Listen and understand it.

Comfort it. Reassure it.
Offer it insight.
Allow it to express itself.
Let it shine in the light.

Give it love.
Give it compassion.
Give it care.
Give it healthy connections.

Bring back the joy.
Leave the door open for healing.
Always stay tuned with it.
Give it space for breathing.

We learn as we grow.
And life can hurt us.
Reconnect with it.
Find the play again in us.

Be empowered.
Take control.
Loosen the grip of the past.
Heal in whole.

Keep yourself strong.
Happy and alive
Keep yourself thriving.
Always in full drive
