As we go through in life, we deal with many things. And when we're curious about something, we're interested to learn.
As a Christian, we're also curious about the things around us. And we should be that. It's better to ask and learn after than to not ask to all.
These are the things we encounter every day. But we should be able to keep our curiosity going with these:
Knowing God
We started knowing Him when we decided to become His. And as we walk with Him, there are times we have doubts about certain things. We have our Bible to guide us. We can always go back there for anything.
Church Life
As we meet fellow Christians, we show our brotherly love. We also practice traditions that signify our faith. If we have questions with them, we shouldn't hesitate to ask. It's important to know why we do these things.
We know it's a way we can communicate with God. And we can hold on to it because of the answered prayers that wonder us. We may question His responses to several of our prayers, but we must keep the right attitude.
Understanding Satan
We should be able to know his tactics so that we can successfully fight his attacks. Let's ask everything we need to know about him so that we won't be misled in the end.
Christianity Ethics
In a world where some acts are considered to be ethical, it's best to go back to what God says about it. Whatever questions we have, let's follow what He instructs us to do in the end.
Money Matters
Money can be a great source of need or a great source of destruction. So we need to know how to be good stewards to it. Whatever situations involving it, we should ask Him for wisdom on handling them.
It's God's design for a man and woman who love each other to become one. It can be challenging since some failed. There's no harm if we ask advice on how to make it work. The important thing is He should be the center of it all.
Well, there are other things to be considered. But there will always be questions in mind in every aspect of life. So if that happens, we should always be guided by God in whatever He says about them so that we can be lead on the right track.
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