Think of an individual who has what others call the complete package. He has the attractive charm, the impressive intellect, the great sense of humor, the kind-hearted character, and not to forget, the perfect sexy body.
He's admired and envied, right? Who wouldn't want that? If you wish to be like him, then it's not too late to start now. It's time to respond to the call of becoming fit and healthy.
It makes me think: We don't give much attention to take care of our bodies. We keep a positive mood in our surroundings, yet we don't watch our food intake. We don't find time to move our bodies. This becomes the root cause of sickness, where lots of money go to hospitals. At worst case, we end our lives there.
It's a reminder that we need to invest well in our bodies. Health is wealth, as they say. A healthy one is ready to face life's daily challenges. So we should take good care of it.
I'm no doctor nor fitness expert, but I want to take this road so that I can live longer for the people I love the most. And given that, I learned of essentials to keep track for full well-being:
1. I should keep my faith intact.
My faith influences everything I am, from my words, thoughts, and actions. Since I follow God, He wants me to honor my body. So I do this as a way of honoring Him.
I have a body, and He created and designed it. He knows best how my body was made to operate. So when I make my health choices, He has the power to help me in them. This power comes from His deep love for me.
With this, I continue to fill myself with His Word, depend on His Spirit every moment, and trust Him in every circumstance.
2. I should watch what I eat.
Food is much more than mealtime sustenance. Food is medicine. It has the power to kill or bring life.
Real, whole food that comes from the earth heals. Industrial, processed food from factories harms. For a long time, we think of these processed foods as okay. But these were discovered to lead one to conditions like depression, obesity, and fatigue. That's not great to know.
Real, whole food that comes from the earth heals. Industrial, processed food from factories harms. For a long time, we think of these processed foods as okay. But these were discovered to lead one to conditions like depression, obesity, and fatigue. That's not great to know.
3. I should keep fitness as part of the front line.
Exercise is recommended, but no one does it. Some sentiments are time conflicts and the urge to quit due to difficulty.
We're designed to move. We're meant to be in action. With everything fast in our modern times, body movement has been slowly removed. Consequences of these include weak muscles, excess weight, aches & pains, and premature aging.
Sadly, it's an antidepressant nobody uses regularly. But exercise brings out a lot of benefits: improved learning, memory, concentration, focus, weight loss, and more energy. We should allow ourselves to take in the joy exercise brings.
4. I should focus on all the things I do.
I can live a healthy life and sabotage it along the way. So I should take good care of my brain. It influences decision-making and focus. I shouldn't consume anything that will damage it.
I should manage stress well, find time to relax, keep watch of my thoughts, keep watch with my attitude, and keep my motivation going.
It pays when your focus is lost. No good things can happen with that. In the end, it's up to you on where you want to direct yourself with.
5. I should keep myself around with my friends.
In the pursuit of health, we're not meant for a solo flight. We need one another. In fact, unwavering, ever-flowing support is very much needed. A team can do so much in accomplishing fitness goals.
We can start by having a buddy to partner with. I can imagine if buddies learn, listen, and encourage one another in terms of health goals. They can inspire each one in reaching the potential if staying fit at all times. And when they can influence others until many can join in, it's something remarkable.
From these points, we can see that health involves holistic care. Everything is interconnected with one another. That's why we all need to be sound in everything we are.
Living the lifestyle takes motivation, commitment, and progress to keep us going. It's time to leave behind unhealthy habits, and start making a lasting change that can benefit our lives.
I look forward to a day where our lives can bring out new stories to tell and inspire others to pursue the same. This is going to be a fulfilling life of maximized potential ahead, and I want to take part in this.
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