We all need connections to people to keep moving forward in life.
But admit it. In relationships come our happy moments, as well as painful ones.
It's funny that we need them, but we often clash with them.
We receive undeserved grace, but we don't give it to people who need it as much as we do.
Inside ourselves, there's this urge for us to be superior.
We believe in our own importance. We need to be better than this, more than this, recognized for this, and a lot of things.
We hate, anger, envy, and falsely assume others. We come to seek retribution for the wrongs done to us and to justify our actions further.
This is all due to the differences in each other. But it doesn't cause the division.
We cannot recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences that cause the division.
We need to accept that we're all messed up. That includes you and me.
If we stick to the illusion where we attempt to fix them to be who they're not, then conflict arises.
There's a reason why they are the way they are.
I'm guilty of this, and there's no doubt about it! I want to apologize to all the people I had hurt because of this attitude.
Now I learn that the only way is love and forgiveness. I'm willing to be more patient and understanding. I'll put myself in their place. I'll be more compassionate. I'll be more than happy to befriend you without any judgment. Instead of tearing you down, I'll build you up.
We value them no matter how different they are. Only a person without sin has the right to stone a person who has sinned. All we need from one another is loyalty that springs through mercy.
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