There's a precious treasure.
We all have it.
It's found inside us.
No one can take it.
It knows how to be kind.
To show concern and understanding.
To be unconditional and sincere.
To be patient, humble, and giving.
It's all done out of love.
It's one that shines.
Even when everything around is unfair,
Its virtue still defines.
It brings life.
It also brings light.
It also shines.
It shines even in the darkest night.
I don't need to fear
Of what others would do to me
Or what they would say
I know what's truly me.
I know who I am.
I know what I can do.
I know what I can be.
I know where I can lead to.
I am who I am.
And I love myself for it.
I'm home with who I am.
My pendant for life - I value it.
I have a name.
I have a voice.
No matter how far I go,
I can bring a meaningful noise.
I can bright up with hope.
I can lend others a loving hand.
I'll make the world a better place.
To make a better future at hand.
It's what I want to leave behind.
What I'll live every day.
It may be hard.
But I'll grow better each day.
As long as I live,
I want to pass on.
All the best I can bring out.
So that they can carry on.
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