
In life, we have one direction to take.
Yes, it's forward. But that push propels us for such.

Which push are you taking? Are you taking one of God's?
If so, are you ready to take in His plans for your life?

If you want to know His plans, you need to understand completely what they are about. We all need this. We must have this to be fruitful in our work, grow in His knowledge, and find strength in His power. Living in that will manifests how we want to live our lives worthy and pleasing to Him. So how do we go into that roadmap?

It would be a great disappointment if we find them out very late. It's like failing the mission given to us, and we don't want that. Knowing what He truly wants us to do is the achievement we can take pride in as His follower. After all, it's not about us. It's about Him.

I like this description of God's will. It simply means what He desires for our lives. And it's up to us whether we choose it or not. If we decide to be surrendered to Christ, we know His choices for us are sure.

And I like this set of guidelines for us to know what God's will is like:

1. It is consistent with the Scriptures.
With the Bible as God's manual for us, how could we go wrong? Most of His will is there. We need to know by reading those words and meditating on them.

2. It challenges us with selfless love.
It's always the case. God's ways are ways of love. His teachings show that. So it takes a lot of dying to ourselves to reach that character of His, which points us to the next.

3. It changes our character.
God's ways soothe our souls as they bring out the goodness in us so that we can grow and become. No room for toxicity.

4. It calls us to glorify and honor Him.
In everything we do, that's our mantra.

5. It connects us closer to Him.
Anything that deviates from our reasoning, our conscience, our sense of Him, and in that spiritual part is what we avoid to keep the connection flowing. 

It's a noisy world at these times. So we must discern His will very well. We will know that we've done His will when it truly reflects and embodies Him.

What's crucial here is if we're willing to do it. There's no need for you to think twice and decide on it. When He reveals it, He wants you to commit to it no matter the cost.

So, how do we pursue living out every day God's will, the ultimate roadmap of our lives? I like these reminders:

1. The journey is more important than the destination.
Sometimes, we'll take the longer route, not the straightaway one. He has His purposes, and He sees the bigger picture of it. Mostly, it's to train us, stretch us, and mold us. That's why there are challenging parts along the way. It's not easy, but we can learn to love and be thankful for it.

2. Faith should be greater than our fears.
Doing God's will is dangerous and impossible, but it can be done. It makes us dream big for His Kingdom work. And like any dream wanted to be fulfilled, it also takes sacrifice. It can be challenging since there are times when things are beyond our control, and we have to do even the craziest thing we couldn't think of. But we need to remind ourselves that it's part of it. We dare to do it no matter how much it's worth.

3. God is willing to guide us all the way.
And to add, it's greater than our desire to be guided by Him. He's waiting for us to seek His guidance. And if we want it, what are we waiting for? Seek it from Him, and He'll give it freely. We just need to surrender to His guidance and leadership.

Are we good with these? Then, we're ready to follow God's will every day. But how do we discover it in our lives? Here are ways to do such:

1. Align your mind with the Scriptures.
As previously mentioned, most of His will is there. So we take time to study and familiarize His Word. It teaches us what's true. It makes us realize any wrong we have in our lives.

Our hearts must be neutral when we seek His will. We must never rely on our own feelings. Sometimes, they can be deceiving. We know one thing is His will when it connects to what the Word says.

2. Be holistically sound.
God can speak to us through people, circumstances, and other ways. When we're sharp to pay attention and listen to His will, we're strong enough to follow it effectively.

3. Create a "spacious" spirit.
Make room for God to move and speak.  Sometimes, we can't hear His voice because there's no room for Him to do so. We don't know how to say "No." We need to make time for stillness and solitude. 

4. Decide to listen to the right people.
It's not just what we listen to but who we listen to. We need to surround ourselves with those who are wise to be our eyes and ears. We must be willing to take the right advice. 

5. Embrace God's greater calling.
In most cases, God's will for us is to do something bigger than ourselves. And everything we do by His will is rooted in one purpose - to do His Kingdom work here on Earth. Heed the call always.

Wherever He takes us, it's sure that He'll be with us and sustain us along the way. As Christ-followers, we know we're following one that will keep us moving forward. When we follow His will, we attack it, neutralizing every opposition and optimizing every opportunity. Let's align His will with ours, and we can see the work He'll do in us for what's ahead.
