Excellent Love

Love is nothing like it anywhere.
It makes you go the extra mile
It's beyond anything we know
It makes your life worthwhile

It's constant, pure, and strong.
A love that overcomes
Weaknesses and failures
Seeks the good and best in you to come

Love is without limits.
We should believe it.
It always fulfills.
We can carry a song with it.

Love is never-ending.
It also disciplines.
It never fails.
Genuineness determines.

Love is one and nothing else.
It doesn't change.
It is love itself, also just and gracious.
One we can engage.

Love is for all.
Poured out to its greatest extent
It's inseparable, eternal, and divine
Confidence to an astounding extent

It's the center of our existence.
It's true and living.
We are designed in love to love in return.
One that keeps on giving.

Have a new heart always.
Make it supreme.
Make it undivided.
That's love to an extreme.

Rekindle it.
Always be encouraged.
Be transformed by it.
An inner change be leveraged.

Share the love with others.
Mind, strength, soul, and heart.
Describe it in what you say and do.
Direct it in a genuine heart.

Have it burst forth in you.
Make it real in you.
Make it stand the test of time.
It radiates light in you.

Make it a lifestyle.
A labor ever-increasing
Make it a call
In you, where it's perfecting
