Make Create

The most exciting thing about a human being is having the power and capacity to be creative.
Do you believe in this?

If not, it might be circumstances that don't encourage us about this.

But why do we get discouraged by this? I agree when somebody says it involves change. Nobody likes it. They don't want anything that brings uncertainty and disruption. Some say it "gets in the way" of productivity. As a result, there springs a mindset where most forms of creativity are unnecessary. 

And sadly, if we have a great flow of creativity and are affected by it, we feel reluctant or ashamed to tap into our creative urges, leading to potentially great ideas never seeing the light of day.

It's funny that we commend creativity when we sense them in our surroundings but despise the idea-making in ourselves inside. It's how we're taught, but this bias drains the potential we can have. In fact, creativity drives us to progress as individuals. It brings a great benefit to us.

Let's take a reboot on this.

We're all created to have this power. We can create something that can cause a change in our surroundings and even in the whole world. We can dream, imagine, and create something for the future ahead. Whether it'll come in the next few minutes or several years, this ingenuity reaps benefits for those who'll receive it.

We can express our creativity in a freeing and playful way. The possibilities and opportunities are limitless. It's a spirit in us. In fact, when creative inspiration comes, it's a divine, ever-flowing, overflowing stream. It doesn't have to be physical art. It can be as simple as sculpting new ideas, framing new attitudes, and building new relationships. That's creating something.

Change is constant, so we need ways to adapt to the changing times. And this requires new ideas, systems, or processes to work things. There should be no reason for anything to hinder the creativity we need. In our world today, there's so much good we can create. No doubt about that. We can do as restoring the love, beauty, goodness, and truth lost a long time ago.

And it actually takes courage. It's easier to comment, complain, or criticize than to create. Admit it. We do this almost everywhere we go. But if we have a creative idea to make that happen, why not use it and work it out? It can solve a problem benefiting someone someday. And when it comes to reality, we can be proud to contribute something helpful.

So if our role is to create, how do we use our creative side and take it further? I've learned of three ways:

1. We must embrace our own unique creativity.
How strong is our conviction to say that we're so creative? If we consider ourselves creative, we embrace thinking outside the box. But sadly, we begin to have a natural inclination to be creative and end up having a natural tendency to conform. It's like we take growing up at the expense of giving up on our genius."

Because of this, we allow mental blocks to hinder our creativity:
* We follow the rules.
* We take a practical approach.
* We find play frivolous.
* We don't invade an area that's not ours.
* We don't think foolishly.
* We find ourselves plain, ordinary, and boring.

We need to go back to the truth of our creativity to have the power to solve, innovate, and reinvent. We have our own way of showing that creativity. And we need more than having the conviction of our creativity potential.

2. We must enter into the creative process.
According to author and futurist Erwin McManus, the creative process goes through these steps: dream, risk, and create. This means we must take risks and go through failure to create something. Both go together.

Are we willing to accept risk-taking and failure along the way? The most successful people we know took them. They see things differently. They break the rules. They don't stick to the status quo. They're the ones labeled crazy. But they never gave up, and they were able to make a difference in our world. Imagine if they didn't.

3. We energize ourselves for a greater purpose.
Energy plays a big role in our creativity. We must manage it well and protect it from being drained. We avoid things that steal our energy and accept things that give. We energize ourselves for the greater work.

Energy gives us a sense of direction. We can know our goals and objectives and detail them clearly. If we know this, that's where our creativity comes to life. Ideas and insights suddenly begin to come out to help us move forward. Energy also gives us rationalizing to understand our world better. It also gives us proactivity. It sparks the mind with new ideas and information. 

Creativity may not come naturally to everyone, but inspiration for it can help. As long as we're giving time and effort, we can grow it. And it's worth exploring.

Aside from the expression, direction, and perspective creativity gives us, it helps motivate us, helps us in problem-solving, makes us more productive, boosts our confidence, relieves stress, helps us live longer, and even brings people together. Creativity can bring so much more to our plate when we're willing to take it. It helps us with how we live our lives.

Though we may create many beautiful things, the most important thing is that our lives have become powerful and beautiful. It's a testament to how we maximized the creativity found in us, and it's the most important thing we'll ever give ourselves. 

So now that we know how creativity is integral to us, it's time we take a different approach to it. We shouldn't refrain the younger ones from expanding their imagination. For us grown-ups, we shouldn't be discouraged to start developing our creativity now. It's never too late. All it takes is the right support and techniques to encourage one to unleash creativity within. And we should encourage everyone in this kind of environment as well.

We encourage more imaginative play, passion, daydreaming, open-mindedness, mindfulness, sensitivity, intuition, solitude, turning adversity to advantage, and thinking differently. We aim to see people capable of doing new things, those who are creative, inventive, and have a knack for discovery.

What are we waiting for? It's time to unleash the juices and bring out the best our imaginations can bring. It's time to make and create.
