Godly Service


To God and other people in His name.
To give it, not to receive it.
To meet people's needs with love and humility on Christ's behalf.
Out of devotion to Him and love for them, believer or unbeliever.

It's what we call ministry.

We are ministers, and we have a role. As ministers, we should be impartial and unconditional. We always seek to help others as Jesus would.

When we minister, we attend to them physically, emotionally, mentally, vocationally, and financially. We also don't forget to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ so they can come to know Him and receive Him as their personal Savior, experience Him as Lord of their lives, and grow in Him further.

Ministry is everywhere. We can do so much with this anywhere we go. But we must have the heart of a minister so that they can see Him and know Him through us.

So, how do we get this heart? Here are a few points:

1. Be like-minded in Christ.

* Empty yourself. Become a servant. Be humble and obedient.

* Fellowship with others genuinely.
* Love them continuously. Love them with all knowledge and discernment.
* Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit. Exert effort towards the success and good of others.

* Don't dispute. Don't fight. Don't be contrary to other believers, especially leaders.
* Don't be harsh and damaging toward other people.
* Point to direct others in God's direction.

* Think right and do right. Take care of how you think and do.
* Hold tightly to words of life.

2. Make Christlikeness a priority.

* Work out what God has worked into us.
* Make an effort to reflect that we're true children of our Father God.
* Become what we want others to see.

* Be the real thing. Ensure that we do all things as worship towards God. We have a stronger desire to please Him. And we have no confidence in anything that refuses us to need Him.
* Let the qualities of Christ be evident in us. Live in the constant awareness of His presence.

* Let our conduct be worthy of the purpose.
* Behave in a way that we don't bring ourselves any shame. And also, we don't feel ashamed of how we behave.

3. Focus on Christ.

* Let go of things you need to lose to follow Him.
* Remind yourself always your reason for following Him.

* Know Him at all costs.
* Know by heart what He has done for humanity.

* Take care of the life given. Know its brevity. Know what living is really about.
* Know what matters most, to know Christ Jesus fully and personally. Nothing more, nothing less.

* Press on. Lay hold of that for which Christ has laid hold of us.
* Forget the things behind and reach forward to those ahead.
* Press toward the prize's goal for the upward call to grow from grace to grace, ever moving toward Christ-likeness.
* Follow a good pattern of those who practice Christ-likeness so that we can set an example for others to follow. Be careful who to follow.

4. Continue the good fight.

* We remind ourselves that we're citizens of heaven. All the treasures we have are for our heavenly country.
* While still on Earth, continue fulfilling the purpose until we're called homeward bound.
* Take everything that happens to you as effects of advancing a great purpose.

* Embrace a life of sacrifice and carry on with it.
* Labor when it comes to the Kingdom work.
* Be reliable in doing the work without needing constant supervision.
* Seek the things that are of Jesus, not your own.

* Put on the full God-given armor. Resist evil. Continue to work. Be brave.
* Stand firm. Stand strong in the Lord.
* Be constant. Be consistent. Be steadfast.

* Beware of ferocity, greediness, humiliation, and all hindrances to our godly call.
* Beware of being morally corrupt.
* Beware of being a contentious and untamed spirit.
* Beware of the deceitfulness.
* Beware of those who come with us with unauthorized demands, those contrary to the Biblical.

* Hold on to unity. It is important. Fight for the unity of the faith.
* Stand fast in one spirit. Strive together for the faith of the Gospel.
* Don't be terrified by your adversaries. Believe in the faith you have in Him. Suffer for His sake.

5. Anchor in Christ.

* Be anxious for nothing. Cast all your cares on Him. Let His peace guard your heart and mind through Him.
* Have that cheerful optimism, the undaunted hope in times of poverty, weakness, and pain.
* Rejoice in the Lord always.
* Trust Him in all circumstances.

* Be under the grace of God. Abide under it.

* Be content in any circumstance. Be ready for anything.
* Keep grounded when you're hungry or when you're full.
* Give all you can, for you can never outgive God.

It may look like a list of main points with checklists for each. But these subpoints are needful. They are keys to help achieve a point listed here.

In a sense, they point us to what we should embody if we live for God. And we should be able to do that. A life surrendered to Him becomes renewed and repurposed for His cause. Our life is now a life of service.

When service is part of us, everything connects to what we do for Him. And when this becomes deep in us, it becomes joy. Because of His magnitude in our lives, we can do what we do in joy. That joy leads to authenticity. And when we find ourselves authentic with God, it's a striking effect.

So keep that heart. Enjoy the privilege and opportunity to work in His service. It will be all worth it.
