Sole Drive

What do you do?
Do you love what you do?
How do you do it?
Why do you do what you do?

Whatever you do, may it cause people to be inspired.
When a person is inspired by what we do, he's motivated to act on everything that brings that spark. And he can pass it on.

It's different when it's done out of manipulation.
They may do it but only until there. It doesn't really inspire action.

People are inspired by us not because of what we do but why we do it.
It's our founding reason for what we believe and what we value.
And when we inspire them with that, we give them a sense of belonging and assurance that we align with them.
We won them over that.

Let's always be clear about our cause. Never veer from it.
Discover it. Find the power in it. Look back if we need to.
Understand how we do things and stick to them.
Let everything we say and do align with what we believe. And with that, we can be authentic.

Once we have our why, we can plan how we do it. And with knowing how, we know what to do.

By doing this, we can inspire people to willingly follow us because they want to.
That's trust right there.
We attract those who are passionate about what we believe. No room for selfish gain.

And it's good to keep it that way. In fact, they can be part of our Team of our why.
Sometimes, we know our why, but we may struggle with translating it into making that a reality.
Some can do a great job at that. Value these ones. Communicate with them well. 

It can be challenging because it takes clarity, discipline, and consistency.
Our what and how should really be consistent with our why. It pays if they don't.

And when we're successful with that, it's a great feeling. But it can be challenging.
When we experience this winning streak, our why can be fuzzy. We lose the essence of our reason.
Bring back that sight again. Maintain that balance.

When you need people to carry the flame of your why, hand it to them well. For it keeps the why alive.
Be an embodiment of your why. Articulate it well. Bring it to life.

Have that vision in mind and make it clear each day. And that's how we can lead and inspire.
