Faithful Calling

You wake up. You choose to breathe.
You see a new day.
You choose one more day to follow in the way of Jesus.

Do you still favor it?
Are you keeping at it?

Life doesn’t get any easier, but we can overcome it. We have a God who’s faithful to us to the end. And with what He’s done for us, let’s faithfully complete the work He has for us here.

Our work to spread the good news of God’s love is ongoing. And He’s so great and generous to entrust us all we need here. It’s a responsibility to take care of them. It’s a sign of being faithful to His doing.

It’s also a responsibility to maximize them well to advance His purposes. It’s a great goal that we can change the world and people’s lives through here. Some have done it successfully. If not, then it’s okay. This goal isn’t the main task. The main task is to remain faithful to the end. We do our part, and that’s enough. The fruit will then grow in its time.

And with the long work going on, we should have:

1. resilience
Though we fall seven times, we stand up on the eighth. We do everything to be still standing on our feet. That’s the ability of endurance.

2. perseverance
We can abide under pressure. We can pass through the breaking point without being broken. Trials and sufferings can’t sidetrack us from our purpose.

They provide us with great proof of spiritual power. We become unstoppable beings as we always push to keep moving forward. Only death can stop us. So, the race isn’t to the swift nor the strong but to the faithful. We keep on, knowing that our labor won’t be in vain.

Attempting great things for God can promote us to great work. There’s nothing wrong in having this elevation, but how’s our heart with this?

Some would want this for recognition, but will it be worth the effort? What if the climb won’t get these expectations into reality?

It’s best if we let Him promote us. We enjoy what He has given us today so that we can look back one day doing it without regrets.

God has a “fullness of time” on His calendar, so we better trust His process. Even the Bible greats waited until their great great came. Ambitious people may not understand this, as they lean toward early promotions or shortcuts. As a result, they regret doing it.

Let’s remind ourselves to be humbled under God’s mighty hand so that He may lift us in time. Give time for preparation and experience to broaden our perspectives to take the next step.

With what God gave us, let’s be faithful to accomplish it. Let not criticism or discouragement get in the way of what we do. And with that, we widen the scope. Let’s not waste a trial.

Trials come in different forms, and we inevitably have to live with them and face them no matter how great they are. And it’s a helpful tool for transformational work in our souls. They break us with the intention of God’s light to ground our hearts and to seep through to others.

This breaking is necessary. We find treasure in the trials and valuable learning in adversities. Pressure from trials forms character. We develop patience, humility, strength, and endurance. Such pressure brings power. So, there should be no reason to waste the opportunities trials can bring us. We should be willing to take that breaking so that His light can shine in us even more.

When we do ministry, there will come a time when we can do it with passion. And it’s possible because of a break. The breaking pressures us and gives us the power to overcome and attain greater strength. The greater the pressure, the greater the power.

How we view our trials will set our attitude towards them. It doesn’t make the best of us if we:
- rationalize, justify ourselves, and blame others.
- complain and become offended with God
- fight against those who delivered them
- bleed from them in public
- allow yourself to become a victim instead of a student

Let’s take a different perspective on trials. Expect them. Understand them. Learn from them. Accept them. Find positivity in them. Allow them to refine and purify us. And let God go with you in the trials.

These remind us how life and light can shine in what we’re going through now. Stories are born, and goodness comes out of them. We should be able to embody both. We should live in the light and walk in the light. We should soak in it and seek it all the time. We also need to live out our faith. Take hold of any emotions hindering us from living by faith. Take bold actions to live by the faith we hold on to.

The call to faithfulness is the life destined for us. Let’s always remind ourselves of the “why” of what we’re doing. Let’s also remember the “what” we should do.

May we find ourselves trustworthy, transparent, knowledgeable, humble, compassionate, current with the times, resilient, and fit for the work.

Every day, we can follow the Holy Spirit’s leading, embrace the path ahead, and finish well. We can fill our minds with the Truth, pray for God’s perspective, and be eternally minded.

We continue to live for Christ with the best we know how, and we remain fully committed. We put our heart into our part. We give all we’ve got. Whatever we do, it’s all for Him. We’ll do everything to bring Him the greatest glory.

It’s a manifestation of serving enthusiastically, with excellence, respect for others, value for character building, and exalting Him in all we do.

Let’s make it our ultimate goal that after our work here, we’ll hear these words: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
